We would normally expect All young people to be wearing their full uniform for each session. However, during the summer months, t-shirts may be more suitable. Members will still be required to wear their jumpers at the start of the session for the opening ceremony.
We do have optional group branded T-shirts available for £10 each, available to order at the hut. Please fill out the form below to purchase:
Sometimes, activities may require a dress down day, or alternative clothing, such as wellies. You will be informed via Facebook and the calendar beforehand if this is the case.
Below you can find the basic uniform requirements for each section. These are mandatory.
Beavers: Turquoise sweatshirt and Group neckerchief/woggle
Cub Scouts: Dark green sweatshirt and Group neckerchief/woggle
Scouts: Teal green smart shirt and Group neckerchief/woggle
The Scout Association have dark blue/navy activity trousers available for purchase. We would highly recommend these though other outlets may provide similar. For events where full uniform is required these activity trousers or similar, in navy would be adequate.
We also have some pre-loved uniform items available, please contact the GSL for further information on what is available.
All other formal uniform is available from the Crawley District Scout Shop, located at:
Ron Hobbs Hall, Bligh Close, Tilgate, RH10 5DL
This is open on Tuesday evenings 7-8:30 pm and Saturday mornings 10 am- 12:30 pm.
You can also order online at shop.scouts.org.uk
Scarves and woggles are presented upon investment, however, a replacement for lost items will be charged. Please speak to your leader if you have lost either of these.
For further information on the uniform, and where to place the badges, please click on the buttons below: